Friday, October 21, 2011


There comes a time in a mom's life when she has to let her kid do something not too bright and let the cards fall where they may. My oldest son, Joshua, and his dad love their spicy food. I often jokingly say I'm going to start making the exact same thing for meals everyday because they always put Tobasco sauce on everything anyway. All their food tastes the same!

Joshua came across a pepper called the Ghost Pepper. He's watched some rib cracking videos on You Tube about fools who ate this pepper. He wanted to try it. I hesitated in letting him. The people in the videos were in PAIN! Should a mom allow her flesh and blood child to do something like that? On purpose?

Well, I did and I laughed just as hysterically at him as I did at the videos. You want to know how smart he is? He's going to do it again with some friends tomorrow. Where did he get these brains from anyhow?


1 comment:

Hannah Grace said...

*shakes head* Boys. They're so weird. We grow jalapeno peppers in our garden and sometimes my dad and 14yo brother have contests where they see who can eat the most jalapeno peppers without drinking water. ;) I don't get it, but it sure is funny to watch! XD

~Hannah Grace
[one of Anna's friends]