Sunday, November 13, 2011

Where have I been, you ask?

It's been a crazy busy week! For the first half of the week, I took 8 teenagers AND a toddler on a 3 hour drive to north Dallas. Insane, yes, I know! But it was for a good cause. We were going to a prolife training seminar with Justice For All. If you've never heard of them, I HIGHLY recommend their seminars. It was utterly amazing! The first day is spent watching videos and doing extensive role playing. The next two days are spent on a college campus striking up conversations about abortion with total strangers. I told you it was amazing!  No, really, it was.  If you've always known that abortion is wrong and you believe life is a precious gift from God, but wouldn't know how to have a logical, respectful, CALM conversation with someone who disagrees, then JFA is just the group for you. The group of teens I took blew me away! There was not one ounce of timidity in the group. They boldly shared their faith in the presence of loud, obnoxious, in-your-face protesters.  Truly, it was awesome. I just can't explain how awesome it was!

Well, after four days carting teenagers all over town at very early hours in the morning, I was exhausted by the time we got home. I didn't do anything remotely requiring thinking for the next few days.

Last night some good friends of ours had a barn dance! It was so much fun! I've often wished someone we knew would do something like this. It was almost midnight by the time we got home. It sure was easier to dance the night away 20 years ago!

Last, but not least, Anna is doing something called Nanowrimo. She's living on the computer every waking moment. Since we've been so busy AWAY from the house, I've had to give up my own time on the 'puter for her. She's still behind on her word count though.

Whew! Are you tired yet? I'm still exhausted. Could have been the dancing last night ;o)


1 comment:

Hannah Grace said...

You're such a good mom for letting my friend do NaNo and therefore taking all your computer time! ;) Thanks.

~Hannah Grace
{one of Anna's friends}