Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Poison Ivy

Yikes! Seems we've moved to poison ivy heaven. I guess that's what you get when you buy a place that's been neglected for so long. No wonder the poison ivy loves it here. I thought maybe we could peacefully coexist, but it seems the plants have other ideas. Their plan is to assimilate us all!  Resistance is futile!

I discovered yesterday that Rachel has poison ivy. Again.  A friend had told me about an expensive scrub I could buy at Wal-Mart that was supposed to be great for poison ivy. I stopped while running errands and picked some Zanfel up.  When I get home, the first thing Anna says is, "What's all over Aaron's face?"  How could I have not noticed that!!  He was covered in it. All over his face, his arms, and his legs. I wondered why he'd been scratching so much. Bad Mom!!  So I scrubbed him down in the tub and the itching felt much better.  I had to do another scrub right before bed to help with the itching again. I can't believe it! He woke up this morning with no rash whatsoever!  WOW!

Now I'm going to share a little secret with you. While doing some research online about the Zanfel, I found out it's the same thing as Mean Green Hand Scrub. You know, the stuff mechanics use to get the grease off their hands?  That is SO much cheaper.  It appears I'm going to buy it by the bucket full. If you'd like a good stock tip, maybe you should buy some Mean Green stock.

Rachel still has a little rash showing, but it's not blistering up real badly like it did the last time. You can still see the spots on her hands from where she had it last time. I'm so glad to have found this stuff. Now I'll have to worry about other things when they go play in the woods.


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