Monday, October 3, 2011

A look at the chicken coop

We call this the "Chick Mahal."  Bret, being an architect, couldn't just make a coop. Noooooo  This coop came with 3 dimensional plans done up on a computer program.

I'm kind of partial to the color red, but apparently all paint isn't made the same. After careful selection (ok, an hour of looking) of just the right farm color of red, I took the card to the paint counter. The helpful guy told me he could only get that tint with the really expensive paint. (That's not exactly the way he said it, but that's what he meant.) I looked at him and said "Really? This is for a chicken coop. Can't you get close?"  I think he did pretty darn good, don't you?

The girls seem to like it ok! They're really starting to give a good amount of eggs and we're oh so thankful for that! Having chickens is something I never knew I loved!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love the chicken coop!! And I love the red!