Tuesday, October 25, 2011

A Perfect Day!

What do you do on a perfect fall day in Oklahoma? When the weather is sunny and in the 70s? Why, you go to the pumpkin patch, that's what! We went in the evening so we could do the corn maze in the dark. The larger than life checker board was great even if I did get beat by one of my children. That's what I get for teaching them games, huh?

Nothing like playing king of the mountain on a giant hay bale.

Who would've ever thought a few metal buckets would be so much fun! Especially when they're hooked together and being dragged by a tractor.

This was the cutest pumpkin in the patch!

We had such a great time! Aaron and Elijah kept saying "we are SO lost" while we walked through the maze in the dark. We took a hay ride around the farm twice, once in the daylight and once in the dark. It was a beautiful night!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great day at the Pumpkin Farm. Great family picture also:)